Thursday, February 22, 2007

Leek and Garlic Risotto

This dish came from Local Flavors by Deborah Madison. The actual title is Leek and Green Garlic Risotto, but when I grabbed the green garlic, it had gone soft so I just used regular garlic. We choose this recipe to use the leeks and green garlic we had delivered on Monday but it was very rich; too rich in fact. We each only ate about 1/4 of the servings. This is the second time we've made a risotto that was just too rich for us. I think this one would have been ok had we just had a small dollop as a side dish to something else rather than trying to have it as a main course. Not surprised it was so rich with cream in it. It actually turned me off on trying to make any other risotto dishes for awhile. Oh well, there are plenty of other recipes to try!

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