Tuesday, April 27, 2010


Forgot to take pictures of the box today. My game plan to do so isn't going so well! :-) I'll be making lots of salads and a stir fry as I got: leaf lettuce, radishes, carrots, cucumber, cherry tomatoes, broccoli, and zucchini. I also received a couple of apples, 2 oranges, another lemon and a pint of strawberries. I feel like there was something else but it's escaping me.

I haven't been eating the best this last week so I hope to use all this yummy produce and change that.

Tuesday, April 13, 2010

Today's Box

Decided to start taking pictures of my produce deliveries. Hopefully I'll get better at grouping it all together for pics but here's a couple shots.

I was not expecting the kiwis or onion as they were substitutes for the avocados and sweet potatoes I did not want, but happy to have them! I love the color of the spring red onions' bulbs. Two of the lemons are Myer and the other is Eureka. I have another lemon too so I really need to figure out something to make with them all now. Will have to peruse my cookbooks. Probably use most of the produce in a stir fry and fajitas/tacos this week.

Saturday, April 10, 2010

"Cleaning the Fridge" Stir Fry

Noticed I had some veggies that needed to be used in the near future earlier today so I grabbed some rice noodles to make a stir fry with. All these items were from my CSA box almost two weeks ago and kept very well!

Everything chopped up and in the wok.

I should have thrown the onions in first instead of with everything since a couple didn't cook as well as I would have liked by the time everything else was ready.

Splashed in some garlic sauce along with the noodles. And viola! the final product.

Yummy, and I have leftovers for two meals to boot!