Looks are deceiving. Although it looks yummy, this Pad Thai was soooooooooooooooo disappointing! The lime was way too overpowering (the lime in the image is solely for looks, we didn't add any more juice). I even used just under the amount the recipe called for. We got the recipe out of our newest cookbook, The Big Book of Vegetarian, by Kathy Farrell-Kingsley. We only took a few bites each and neither of us could stomach it. I've been on a mad Pad Thai taste testing frenzy so I was very excited when the cookbook had a recipe. I have one other recipe for Pad Thai that I've made and it was really good. I definitely won't be making this one again though. Even without the lime overload, the under flavor wasn't as good as the other one either. :-(
This "pie" actually has no crust. Just veggies & soy crumbles topped with mashed potatoes. It's the first recipe we've made from our newest cookbook, The Big Book of Vegetarian by Kathy Farrell-Kingsley. It came out really good and the bonus was that I got to use 3 out of 4 of our new pots. It was great! I really enjoyed being able to cook multiple aspects of the meal at the same time. The dinner was good. The canned tomatoes really helped give the soy crumbles a nice hearty flavor. The potatoes came out great, used the new stockpot and added some veggie broth, mustard & seasonings then my lady whipped them all up. The veggies consisted of fresh corn, frozen peas, canned tomatoes, fresh onion, fresh garlic. An easy dish to toss together with whatever items may be on hand. The leftovers kept extremely well, always a plus.
This was a really good cold dish. All the veggies (bell pepper, cucumber, onions) were raw and the noodles cooled right off while being tossed in the peanut sauce and veggies. A great, hearty meal when it's too hot to think about warm food, etc; plus the only cooking was of the noodles. This is another recipe we used from the April 2006 issue of Vegetarian Times. I love that; actually using the magazines and books we buy. We will definitely be making this again and adding more chile paste since I used the smallest of the recommended amounts this time. My only "gripe" would be that although there were leftovers, the meal is best served room temperature and it is hard to recreate that once the food has been refrigerated. I did bring it to work with me once and let it sit out for an hour before eating it, it was meh, alright. But fresh, it's excellent.Note the nice new chopsticks we received as a wedding gift.
We had this delicious lasagna for dinner this evening. The recipe is from the April 2006 issue of Vegetarian Times. It turned out really good; the only problem we had is that our blender isn't much of a food processor so most of the pine nuts were still whole, which was okay of course. There's a ton of leftovers too. We even used the fancy new lasagna server we received as a wedding gift.
We had some strawberry margaritas this evening. I used the mixture we normally use but we added a handful of fresh strawberries along with a fresh kiwi. As you can tell by the picture, it was nice & fruity with kiwi seeds sprinkled throughout. It was very good. Our goal is to eventually make all our cocktails by hand, no more pre-mixed mixers. They normally taste so much cleaner, crisper when we're in charge of the ingredients.
Tonight we had Sesame Tofu from the cookbook Moosewood Restaurant Simple Suppers by The Moosewood Collective. It was excellent! Prep and cooking time was minimal. It was supposed to be served on a bed of baby spinach leaves, but unfortunately the spinach had gone bad when we went to make it. We opted to make it anyways and it was really yummy. Quite flavorful with just a few ingredients; sesame seeds, sesame oil, soy sauce and a splash of hot sauce. The leftovers kept really well too, which is important in this house. We will definitely be making this again, with the spinach. I don't know if it's because this was the first healthy thing we made since we got back from the honeymoon or what, but we both liked it very much.
Well as you can see, not many home cooked meals have been made this past week+. We had our wedding and then the honeymoon. We did make a couple of ok meals while gone (easy stuff like soy sloppy joes, tofurky sandwiches and egg scrambles) but we ate a lot of crap we hadn't been (snacks, donuts, lots of soda, etc etc). My poor body was very angry with me when we got back. I'm still recovering I think!
You will see new dishes here soon, I promise!